Cigar boxes that once housed fine branded cigars from countries such as Cuba and Nicaragua carry on the charm and tradition of these origins in our backgammon boards.
Their exclusive essence flows into our handmade game boards and gives each of them a unique elegance and history.
Cigar Boxes
Olive Wood Boards
Olive wood impresses with its exceptional hardness and durability, ideal for sophisticated design objects and elegant accessories.
The warm grain gives each piece a distinctive character.
Cedar Wood Boards
Cedarwood contains essential oils and exudes a delicate scent.
Antibacterial properties and resistance to moisture make it the perfect choice for long-lasting products that combine functionality with naturalness.
Our exquisite cigar boxes once housed cigars from world-renowned brands. Thanks to our loving restoration, they retain the unmistakable character and elegance of these luxury products.
In this way, not only is the tradition of handcrafting, which makes a luxurious cigar, continued, but it can also be experienced in a new context - unique, stylish and full of life stories.
The countries from which our cigar boxes come - Honduras, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic - represent first-class tobacco culture. The boxes, which once contained valuable imports from these regions, bear the tradition of this culture.
This distinctive spirit is now reflected in our backgammon boards, which combine craftsmanship, quality and exclusivity in an innovative way.
Linoleum Playing Surface
Our linoleum comes from Gerflor Deutschland (DLW), has been manufactured in Germany since 1882 and is Cradle to Cradle certified™. It consists of 98% organic and mineral raw materials such as linseed oil, wood flour, cork, limestone, jute and resin.
Linoleum is environmentally friendly and completely biodegradable, making it a sustainable choice for modern design objects.
Linoleum also impresses with its durability, resistance to wear, antibacterial properties and a pleasant, warm feel - ideal for backgammon boards that should be designed to be both aesthetically pleasing and functional.
Linseed Oil
Wood Flour
Color Pigments
Upcycling and Sustainability
Our basic motivation is to create special game boards from old cigar boxes and linoleum. We combine the upcycling principle of saving valuable objects from disposal and creating new creative products from them with the use of sustainable linoleum and natural materials such as metal hinges/fittings. We also use game pieces and dice made from sustainable raw materials such as wood, stone or wool felt.
During assembly and finishing, we only use solvent-free natural latex glue, wood glue and wax. Most of the work steps are carried out entirely by hand, and technical aids are also used manually.